Hi all,
need to to get a copy if it exists of the proforma of questions elders are to ask in a judicial committee relating to fornication/ adultery
hi all,.
need to to get a copy if it exists of the proforma of questions elders are to ask in a judicial committee relating to fornication/ adultery.
Hi all,
need to to get a copy if it exists of the proforma of questions elders are to ask in a judicial committee relating to fornication/ adultery
if one were to poll present day jehovah's witnesses, what kind of a timeframe do you think they have for armageddon?.
do they still discourage higher education despite the fact they've been wrong so many times?.
one more thing about armageddon...how do they think it's going to start?
around the corner....
i live in the uk ,a letter was read as local announcements on thursday about the relocation of london bethel and the need to donate (yes they are blatantly asking the flock )..more money .considering the fact the london bethel is located in one of the most expensive areas of london ,the sale of of these buildings will bring in hundrends of millions of pounds in revenue.there is no need asking for more money .as one poster posted here 11 years ago on the same project that nows seems to be going ahead the conservative estimates are that they will get approx 193.5m for the site (inc bittacy hill) and the new greenfield site (whichever) wil cost less that 35m.
whip up the building committes and up it goes foc (materials are estimated @ 9.23m).that was an estimate 11 years ago..so my question is did you had this letter read in your local announcements recently?
i see a pattern emerging also the sale and relocation of bethel houses build in prime land that are worth alot of money to less expensive areas and the generation of million of pounds in income .so not only makinf money off local refurfrfbrisment projects but milking it off bethel homes sale.
How can the org last for decades?
Wouldn't selling the prime real estate and buidling where it is cheap outside in the country not be the same kind of investment as the prime real estate? I mean to ask - would the country property ever make the win that the prime real estate had? would any win in the country investmentbe as large as the one in the prime site?
Are they just going to somewhere more affordable?
that would p me off having to pay money and give time to build a new bethel when they have plenty of money from the sale of the old one
why dont the r&f see this?
may 11 2013, zone visit; brother splane visits ireland.
brother splane spoke on the subject should you wear sauls garment?.
.... "bro and sis splane were once assigned to a fanatically catholic town.
what a F*%$ tard!
Children you moron...you idiot!
i have not been to meeting, or been visited by an elder from my congregation in years.
i thought they where suppose to account for everyone in congregation to coe, when he visits.
could they be possibly be hiding my card, or even destroyed it, so coe wont get mad at them.. any former elder know how this is handled?.
Yes I would like to know the answer to this one. Ive been out for maybe 10 years or so.
I would like to know where my card would be at
Could anyone from Bethel verify DOC's understanding?
my father had an angioplasty this morning and was admitted immediately for coronary artery bypass surgery due to major blockages found.. how likely or necessary is a blood transfusion for this?.
what's the latest policy on blood?.
i realize there's likely a thread or two dedicated to the subject but i'm looking for the short answer from those in the know, at least on the latter.. i only found out this morning and am heading to the hospital now.
During the surgery they normally keep the patients own blood in circulation through the form of a cell saver.
The problem is after the surgery when the patient comes off bypass. I have recovered many patients immediately after coming off bypass and they (99%) all require either FFP or platelets and cryo etc. This is bec the bypass machine pumps the blood through the machine to oxygenate it and rollers in the machine chew up and destroy all the clotting factors platelets etc in the blood. So when the patient comes off bypass they are very leaky. So they need all these components reintroduced or they will bleed. Some patients do bleed bec they are leaky and need blood as well as the clotting components till they can establish homeostasis (stability in the patient).
its taken some time for me to get back into the dating game.. i have started online dating.
but alas i have had 2 interesting dates.
ive managed to question both individuals beliefs potentially destabilising thier beliefs (1 without knowing and the other was intentional).
Well all,
Its taken some time for me to get back into the dating game.
I have started online dating. But alas I have had 2 interesting dates. Ive managed to question both individuals beliefs potentially destabilising thier beliefs (1 without knowing and the other was intentional).
Both individuals were of very strict religions (greek orthodox and coptic orthodox). How I end up on these dates I don't know when I put on my profile Im agnostic/atheist.
Anyhow the most recent one was the most fun. He was the coptic orthodox. A psychiatrist. I managed to ask him how on earth a psychiatrist believes in god? and I was laughing. He couldnt answer that.
I told him that I am on the agnostic-athiest spectrum. We had a deep discussion about religion and the bible.
I just said that I couldn't believe that there is a god or at the very least a god that is interested in human affairs and wants humans to live life in a certain manner when he/she/it does not communicate. I said - you wanted to kknow me and vice versa and we met and introduced ourselves so that we both knew who the other was. There was no confusion. God could easily speak from the heavens and introduce himself to human kind and give directions on how to live life. Then I followed up that people would be determined as "mentally ill" if they professed hearing god speaking to them and giving them directions or orders (No pun intended - but loved the pun!) He had absolutely no response because he knew that kind of individual would be quickly medicated by himself!! haha
then I went on to ask - so would you want your family to be in the same religion and go to church? he replied with a nod. I then said well why don't you look for a wife in your own religion? he gave a pissy answer that wasnt an answer.
I asked - well what would happen if one of your children decided at 14 or so that they did not agree with the teachings or want to follow or practice your religion? he then replied that he would be disappointed and that like the prodigal son he would hope that they would correct their way.
I then asked - are there any repercussions if a child decided to leave? he replied "as in excommunication?" I said yes. He said no - they would obviously live in the same house and i just said that some religions use the prodigal son parable to justify excommunication.
Well first for me - go on a date with a psychiatrist and make the psychiatrist so uncomfortable that he had absolutely no answer to any of the questions/issues I posed!
What an intelligent man!
is it possible that someone has a jw friend who's very active in the congregation, knows you don't believe it anymore, and is still your friend?
i'm at the point where word is getting out that i'm not going to meetings anymore, and friends ask me if they'll be seeing me at the ca and i tell them i'm not going.
they want to know why, and what they can do to encourage me.
I have to say that when I left I left all my friends behind.
Luckily I have reunited with some friends that have left and you know I just spent this weekend with them and jwfacts and his wife and son. It was just like the "old" days. There is such a closeness there even though it was over 10 years ago when we were all together.
Its so great being reunited. i dont think I will find other friends that will be as close as these as we all were in the same place for many years.
there is rumors that in this years dc nwt will be released and also new tracts.
any other rumors about new releases?.
I reckon a brochure on 'The perils of porn' would be timely. They could even use good illustrations to 'drive the point home'!
hi cedars,.
re: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/scandals/250655/1/i-have-just-been-disinvited-to-my-brothers-wedding-thanks-aawa .
i completely agree with the mission and intentions of aawa.
Hi Cedars,
I completely agree with the mission and intentions of AAWA. I think it is the right "KIND" of thing to pursue to setup...
However - given this thread and probably others (I have not been reading a real lot of them nor following) I think it is not right to dismiss Simon and put him in his place by saying he has a personal crusade (im imagining re: AAWA) when in actual fact you being involved in the formation of AAWA .....IS A PERSONAL CRUSADE in itself.
The pot calling the kettle black here!
All Simon was doing was calling for an action by AAWA to PROTECT OTHERS
just like AAWA is calling for action by the WTBTS to PROTECT - families(from disfellowshipping affects) lives (re: blood issue), children (sexual abuse cover ups in the borg)
really i think we are ALL ON THE SAME TEAM. We just need to be fighting in an organised fashion.
Perhaps AAWA does need to look at whats been happening and revisit because people ARE LOOSING THEIR FAMILIES because of a lack of controls around the administartion of the AAWA fb page
Don't have a clinical view to investigating this...have a humanistic view
I will NOT support AAWA -until it tightens up ship and protects members - and to let you know I have a lot to offer AAWA
Sent with peace and kindness